Thursday, April 30, 2009
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Basically this movie talks about the history of Wolverine from young before he joins the X-men team. And a lot of things happened between his brother, Victor, his girl friend Silver Fox, and his former boss, William Stryker.
The X-men series in X-men Origins : Wolverine is great compared to other X-men Series, I've been watched previous. Good impression to Hugh Jackman . :)
must watched : ♥♥♥♥♥
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
The Sniper 神枪手
Movie Days again…
This few months watched quit a lot of movie..
If I one day I fall into bankrupt not bcoz of mine own business failure..
If bcoz watched movie til bankrupt... sweat-.-“
Edison Chen new movie.
Hartman (Richie Jen) is renowned as the top shooter in the police force. But behind the legend lies a
skeleton in the closet : his former teammate and superb marksman LINCOLN ( Huang Xiao Ming),
who was jailed foe accidently killing a hostage, has just been released. With only vengeance in his mind,
Lincoln determines to take on Hartman and the police, believing they are real culprits for his fall.
When a high-security prisoner transfer is sabotaged by a mysterious sniper and a major convict has escape,
Hartman and his team are dispatched to profile the suspect.
OJ (Edison Chen), the hot-headed rookie on the team, surprise everyone by accurately replicating suspect’s.
must watched : ♥♥♥
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
World Earth Day 地球日
1. 打扫清洁家居, 减少使用化学清洁剂或杀虫剂.
2. 用柠檬及碳等消除异味, 代替化学空气清新剂.
3. 室内外多种植物可使周围环境阴凉 , 减少开风扇, 冷气.
4. 离开房间时关掉电灯光和冷气机.
5. 多用淋浴少用浴缸, 可省下许多水.
6. 煮食时份量不必过多, 以免浪费.
7. 商店购物拒绝不必要的胶袋, 并把胶袋多次使用.
8. 采用”二手”家具, 减少不必要的购买.
9. 不要取电话簿, 减少消耗纸张.
10. 多在家里进餐, 少上餐馆, 可减少浪费及污染.
11. 多自制饮料食品, 有益健康又省钱, 更环保环境.
12. 多吃蔬菜少吃肉, 个人健康有助利, 地球更减少破坏.
13. 快速及空运来的食品都耗用大量能源, 污染环境.
14. 试试自己种植蔬果, 既有益身心又有满足收获.
15. 多光顾传统市场, 可以减少过分包装及加工食品.
16. 郊游及远足自备水壶, 少买包装饮料.
17. 少光顾高度浪费资源(例如用发泡胶盒)的餐饮店.
18. 多穿不用烫依然得体的衣服, 例如T桖, 可以省电.
19. 可以的话多走楼梯, 少用电梯.
20. 自备简便茶杯餐具, 减少免洗餐具等的使用.
21. 多做不会污染的运动, 例如太极, 气功, 慢跑, 健行.
22. 习惯随身带手帕, 少用纸巾, 减少树木砍伐.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
House Party
wei sheng & michele teoh